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The 2024 Case

AMC3 is a program TISL created to fill a gap between the moot court in law school and successful mock trial programs for high school and college students. Participation is limited to college students who are not in law school.

Legal teams of two to five members argue each side of a hypothetical case before the Tennessee Intercollegiate Supreme Court.

Important Dates

November 7
by 11:59PM

November 21

November 21-22

November 24

November 23

Briefs Due

Briefs returned to the AMC3 Teams

Preliminary Rounds

Final Round

Semifinal Round

Important Notes

  • Attorney General applications are due to the Supreme Court at 9:00 am CST on Friday, November 22nd , 2024.

  • The Supreme Court significantly revised the ballot in 2021. For this year’s competition and encourages delegates to familiarize themselves with the changes. The ballot can be found as part of the AMC3 Handbook under the General Assembly tab.

The Brief

Each team submits a brief two weeks before the competition. Download MS Word template for brief. We strongly recommend preparing your brief in Microsoft Word. Alternate applications such as Google Docs frequently break the formatting.

Please submit your brief in a PDF format.

The Problem

This case before the Court centers on whether journalists have a First Amendment privilege when testifying to not reveal the identity of sources in a criminal trial.

Additionally, students are tasked with determining whether the State demonstrates, for purposes of overcoming a journalist’s protection under the shield law, that it cannot reasonably obtain information by alternative means when a pseudonymous online source does not respond to attempted electronic contact.


There are two downloads. The first download contains the full technical record from depositions to Certiorari plus the List of Authorities. The second is a closed List of Authorities. Lawyers may reference cases outside the List of Authorities insofar as they are quoted by a case in the List of Authorities.

TISL is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) educational corporation chartered by the State of Tennessee.
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