Chapter 1: General Powers of the Supreme Court
4-1-1. The judicial power of TISL shall be vested in the Tennessee Intercollegiate Supreme Court, referred to hereinafter as the TISC.
4-1-2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law arising under the TISL Constitution and the TISL Legal Code except those specifically excluded by law. Among the powers of the Court are:
(a) To issue reasonable subpoenas for individuals and for evidence
(b) To grant injunctive relief
(c) To issue declaratory judgments
(d) To appoint special masters to gather information for the Court
4-1-3. The Court shall have no jurisdiction to enforce contracts among TISL participants or to consider cases of personal injury. The Court shall have no criminal jurisdiction except as may specifically be established in the TISL Legal Code.
4-1-4. All parties to any action must be students or an organization of students participating in a TISL program.
4-1-5. The TISC shall be open and every participant of TISL shall have remedy by due course of law.
4-1-6. The Court shall adopt rules regarding conflict of interest by judges. No conflict shall arise only because a judge is enrolled at the same college as a party to an action before the Court.
4-1-7. A person shall be guilty of contempt of court if he/she (a) knowingly fails to obey an order by the Court or (b) acts in a manner that flagrantly disrespects the Court. A person charged with contempt of court shall enjoy due process of law, including the opportunity to present exculpatory or mitigating evidence and to be represented by an attorney. Upon conviction, the Court may levy a fine not to exceed $20 (twenty dollars) per incident or may suspend the defendant from participating in TISL for not more than 24 (twenty-four) hours.
4-1-8. The Court may waive the payment of fines levied by any TISL law upon assertion by the defendant of financial hardship.
4-1-9. The Court may designate one or more of its members to conduct a trial and render a verdict, which may be appealed to the full Court.
4-1-10. If any provisions of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.
4-1-11. This act shall take effect upon becoming law, the public welfare requiring it.