The Legal Code of the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL Code) is the official compilation of laws passed by the TISL General Assembly affecting the governance of TISL. The TISL Constitution requires the adoption of an Election Procedures Act (Art. V, Sec. 7)and a Financial Procedures Act (Art. IX, Sec. 3). The General Assembly can adopt other laws regarding the governance of TISL consistent with the TISL Constitution and with the general laws of Tennessee.
Title 1: General Government
Chapter 1: [Reserved]
Chapter 2: Election Procedures Act of 1977
Chapter 3: Financial Procedures Act of 2012
Chapter 4: Priority Legislation
Chapter 5: Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
Chapters 6-49: [Reserved]
Chapter 50: Miscellaneous Provisions (General)
Delegate Eligibility
Title 2: Executive Department
Title 3: Legislative Department
Chapter 1: [Reserved]
Chapter 2: House of Representatives Apportionment Act of 2010
Chapter 3: Access To Legislative Chambers
Chapters 4-49: [Reserved]
Title 4: Judicial Department
Chapter 2: Supreme Court Nominating Commission
Chapter 3: Special Judges to the Supreme Court
Chapter 4: Mid-term Vacancies
Chapters 5-9: [Reserved]
Chapter 10: Office of the Attorney General
Chapters 11-14: [Reserved]
Chapter 15: Appellate Moot Court Collegiate Challenge (AMC3)